Seminar 2018 another success

— Hyspecs Hydraulics

As March is coming to an end we can celebrate over a decade of successful Hydraulic Training Seminars with so many great attendees that pass through these doors every year.

We would love to share some feedback with you and a few of the comments received on the feedback forms.

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When asked what they thought of the investment their company/employer has made in them attending this course, do they think Hyspecs has provided value for the investment made?

"Yes, very much so, if I’d completed the course 3 years ago it would have saved the company sometimes and money of product failures."
"Good seminar to attend to familiarise on hydraulic components."
"Yes, I have gained extra confidence and understanding by attending."

The attendee's were asked to explain whether or not they felt the information was delivered in a way that was easily understood?

Richard has a wealth of experience and knowledge, he is clear and coherent.
Was clear - when it wasn’t, it was covered again.

A few other feedback form comments we thought we would share:

"It’s what we need and we need more of it."
Bloody good.

For more information on the Hydraulic Training Seminar that is held in Auckland and Christchurch, get in touch or read more.
